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Stone Klaive: A gift from a Garou

This stone klaive was a gift from a Children of Gaia to a Stargazer from an allied pack.
These packs came together to face a powerful Fomori who patrolled important routes that connected the umbra to São Paulo's main caern.

The klaive is made of stone, with a leather-covered grip.
It has as recordings the glyphs of the tribes: Children of Gaia and Stargazers.
There is also a moot glyph, representing the pack gathering.

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Real-time Render

Video presentation - Song: "Ly-O-Lay Ale Loya (Circle Dance) is part of the album "Yeha-Noha" (Wishes of happiness and prosperity) released in 1994 by a musical project named "Sacred Spirit" ."